Today, we take for granted that the Moon revolves around Earth, Earth revolves around the Sun, and that the Sun revolves around the centre of our galaxy. But have you ever stopped to wonder how we know this to be true? Why do we say the planets move around the Sun when we see them moving around us and, more importantly, why are they moving in the first place? Join us at the W.J. McCallion Planetarium as we discuss the history of the Solar System, the different models that were proposed and why we know the current one to be correct. We will discuss some great minds that you may have heard of before (and some that you may not have) and look at the sky the way that they would have many years ago.
All ticket sales are final. Please use our Directions page for information on parking and getting to the planetarium.
A note that this show is not specifically designed for kids – if you are interested in a show designed for a younger audience, please consider our Introductory Astronomy for Kids options (typically on the first Wednesday or the third Saturday of each month).